Differences between Bootstrap and JQuery UI
Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a framework for front-end web development.it makes web development faster and easier. It contains HTML and CSS based design templates for various responsive front-end designing, as well as optional JavaScript plugins. JQuery UI: JQuery UI is a collection of GUI widgets and themes which is implemented with a JavaScript library. It is used for back-end web designing. Difference between Bootstrap and JQuery UI:...
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Difference between proto and prototype
In this article, we will be going to cover the topic what is proto and prototypes, their syntax, examples, and what are differences exist between both, and how they differ and how they differ in different aspects....
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Difference between alert box and prompt box in JavaScript
1. Alert box : An alert box is one type of popup boxes in JavaScript which is often used to make sure that information have come through the user. So, the user will have to click “OK” to proceed when an alert box pops up on the window....
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Set vs Map in JavaScript
In JavaScript, Set and Map are two types of objects that are used for storing data in an ordered manner. Both these data structures are used to store distinct types of data inside the same object. In Maps, the data is stored as a key-value pair whereas in Set data is a single collection of values that are unique....
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Difference between body.onload() and document.ready() function
The body.onload() event will be called once the DOM and all associated resources like images got loaded. Basically, onload() will be called when the page has been fully loaded with entire images, iframes and stylesheets, etc....
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Difference between Mobile App Testing and Web App Testing
Mobile App Testing: Mobile app testing refers to process of testing application software simply for controlling and handling mobile devices. It is used to test mobile app for its functionality, usability, compatibility, etc....
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JavaScript location.host vs location.hostname
In this article, we will learn about how to get information related to the webpage like hostname, port number, etc. We will also see the difference between the location.hostname and location.host....
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Differences between ES6 class and ES5 function constructors
In this article, we will discuss the difference between the ES6 class and ES5 function constructors. Both serve the purpose of creating new objects, still, they have some differences between them....
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Difference between JavaScript and AngularJS
In this article, we will see what are JavaScript & AngularJS and its features along with the understanding of their basic implementation. Finally, will discuss the differences between them....
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What is the difference between self and $this ?
The keyword self is used to refer to the current class itself within the scope of that class only whereas, $this is used to refer to the member variables and function for a particular instance of a class....
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What is the difference between parseInt() and Number() ?
JavaScript parseInt() Method: The parseInt() method is used to parse a string and convert it to an integer of a specified radix. It takes two parameters, the string to be parsed and the radix to be used. The radix is an integer between 2 and 36 which represents the base of the number. If parseInt() encounters a character while parsing that does not conform to the specified radix, it will ignore the character and all succeeding characters. It then returns the value parsed up to that point as an integer. Spaces that are leading or trailing are allowed in this case. If the function gets the first character and cannot convert it to a number, it will return NaN unless the radix is bigger than 10. This NaN value is not a valid number for any radix and cannot be used in any mathematical calculation....
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React.js | Uncontrolled Vs Controlled Inputs
In HTML, form elements such as <input>, <textarea>, <select>, etc typically maintain their own state and update it based on user input. In React, a mutable (changeable) state is usually kept in the state property of components. In React forms input value can be of two types according to your choice: uncontrolled and controlled values.Uncontrolled input: With uncontrolled input values, there is no updating or changing of any states. It maintains its own internal state, which basically means it remembers what you typed in the field. That value can be exploited by pulling it using the ref keyword whenever it needs to be used. In uncontrolled inputs, the value you submit is the value you get....
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